Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Love You Swagbucks!

Search & Win

Swagbucks is getting better and better. Seriously, not only have they added a 47 (that's right Fourty-Freakin'-Seven!!) denomination to their swagbucks, but now they also have surveys! I love me a good survey, and now I can do surveys for Swagbucks!

I suggest installing the search/tool bar offered by Instead of typing in all the websites you normally visit, type them into the search box on your tool bar, That's where I get the MAJORITY of my swagbucks. They seem pretty crappy at first, but they add up, and hey, they're FREE!
And most my link to sign up! Then, have your friends sign up too! your friends will earn you swagbucks if they are signed up under you! Woo-Hoo!!